LC100 is a microcontroller using CAN BUS communication system. It has
the ability to control up to 8 lifts for up to 40 stops and up to a speed of 4m/s.
It offers complete logging of functions and faults providing the corresponding
statistic results that help to reduce and to eliminate lift malfunctions. The
entire electrical installation is thoroughly checked, as well as all electrical
components required for each lift order. The setting procedure includes tuning
the control with the motor for each order, “tune and phase of motor”.

› fully plug’ n play prewired system
LC100 is supplied pre-assembled, pre-connected and pre-tested. Entire electrical installation is thoroughly checked which minimizes time of installation.
› 100% pre-tested
Pre testing procedure includes tuning the controller with the motor of each order. Standard procedure of “tune and phase of motor”.
› fully programmable and adjustable at site
› one terminal point for any use
LC100 allows a single person to adjust parameters and function of the lift connected to either in and over the cabin, in pit station and in every single LOP.
› up to 8 lifts controlled and up to a speed of 4m/s
› destination control system
Efficient destination control solution for optimizing waiting + travel time and energy consumption, reducing crowd in cars, reducing number of stops per trip and getting lobbies more organized during rush hours.
› flexible designed solutions for every need of electrical
parts of the lifts LC100 offers numerous programmable functions of the lifts and multilanguage support on controller terminals
› superior quality components by using exclusively leading
brands as our suppliers

Η σήμανση για πολλούς θεωρείται απλώς ένα πρόσθετο στοιχείο, αλλά για εμάς είναι ένα ουσιαστικό μέρος
της λειτουργικότητας και της συνολικής σχεδίασης του θαλάμου. Εξατομικεύστε τα πάνελ χειρισμού του
θαλάμου καθώς και τα πάνελ ορόφου, σύμφωνα με τις ανάγκες και την αισθητική σας, ώστε να ταιριάζουν
καλύτερα με την εμφάνιση και την αίσθηση του κτιρίου σας.
You can make your Car and Landing operating panels not only functional. but stylish as well. Inox satine or mirror and even epoxy painted with a RAL colour of your choice can really level up the user’s experience.
For those looking for a more modern-looking feel, we can also offer coloured glass panels with touch buttons